Streamlined custom workstation configurator for automated quotation and B2B ecommerce
CADnetwork assembles and sells customizable PC systems, rack servers and laptops suitable for CAD drawing and rendering.
Enable instant quotes and ecommerce
Lead generation by offering a wish-list and PDF dispatch of quotations
Fully automated price calculation for zero sales team effort
The Challenges
Complexity wrapped in intuitive interfaces
The client offers highly configurable workstation setups and needed to stand out as supplier with a clear and attractive way to select the right system. A streamlined and visually appealing way for customers to pick their desired PC system was key to sucess.
The client needed his customers to pick PC system components without worrying about what motherboards work with what CPUs and what memory banks fit. The customers shall choose the components that matter to him and the system automatically filters the appropriate dependent components and offers them.
Managing the product catalog with ease
When it comes to product catalog management, the client sets up a pool of PC components and then sets up configurable products with questions and assigns possible components. To define which components should be offered in each question, he defines what his customer has to select to see the component.
ConfigBox offers to set up a pool of components which can be used in multiple products and be managed centrally. Pricing changes or adaptions to the component are done in a single place and will reflect in the whole product catalogue.
Lead generation for customers that aren’t committed to purchase yet
PC system customers have a vast choice of suppliers, so lead generation and follow-ups play a vital role in the sales process of the client.
Customers that have a lengthy deliberation process shall have a way to create their desired PC system and register their interest. They receive an automatically generated quotation and the client’s sales team receives contact information to persuade the customer.
How we got there
Configurator design and organization
The client had a very concise idea about how his configurator pages shall be organized and provided mockups. We decided on creating a responsive grid-based layout.
We made it that the customer chooses the most relevant components like CPU, RAM, GPU and storage while the configurator mixes and matches needed motherboards, coolers and alike in the background.

Price differences for upsells: For upsells we created a way to display price difference from the current selection instead of the full price.

Grouping of questions: To have the large amount of available accessories show up in a compact way, we created a way to group questions.

Themed configurator page: We themed the configurator page and created a way for the customer to visually group accessory questions.

Lead generation
Leveraging ConfigBox’ quote request and PDF generation system, we created to ways for customers to receive quotes.
The client felt there should be two funnels.
- A request button for low-committed customers to ‘Store the configuration as PDF’
- A request for quotation button for more committed customers.
The difference lies in the amount of customer data requested. In both cases, CADnetwork gets informed about the customer and his configuration and can follow up.

The customer receives a themed PDF with his configuration and price for consideration.

Customer Feedback
Rovexo delivers dependable and flawless results. No technical limitations and always friendly and helpful support.
Enrico Reil, CEO