Profi Werbetechnik GmbH

Ecommerce for customizable advertising materials.
We work with Profi Werbetechnik since 2009. Profi Werbetechnik manufactures advertising materials right in Germany and does its own distribution online and through resellers. With a team of two dozen workers they manufacture efficiently enough to keep production local and sell through a streamlined online store that supports automated quotations as well straight to order ecommerce.
Instant automated quote generation to be the first supplier to be considered
Fully automated price calculation for zero sales team effort
Ecommerce for all fully priced products
The Challenges
Clean and informative Configurator

"Make us quote fast and automated, have our customers make selections with no risk of unbuildable orders. Describe possible options to the customer without cluttering the configurator page."

Price Calculation

The client deployed ConfigBox' price formulas and matrices to calculate pricing for the client's selections in real time.

Customer Feedback

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